Stories of Scrolling: A deep dive into competitive content purchase

The Gig

Enabling deeper learnings through a next level partnership

Users of VR devices kept sharing anecdotes of difficulties to navigate and choose content on their virtual reality (VR) devices. The client team sought to turn these anecdotes into human insight to optimize the content experience and ultimately trigger purchase.

Woman holding VR headset


A hybrid methodology of online diaries, in-home and in-lab interviews in both the US and Japan

With a hybrid methodology of online diaries, in-home and in-lab interviews in both the US and Japan to better understand content considerations and purchases processes. Our partnerships in Japan enabled a smooth execution of the research and educated our team in cultural nuances. Using the Jobs-To-Be-Done framework, our conversations focused not only on their VR content decisions but also on content consumption in adjacent categories. We compared the purchase process with VR to identify how we could enhance or optimize the VR content experience.



an infographic highlighting six Jobs to Be Done incited a paradigm shift within the team

The insights incited a paradigm shift in the team’s attitude toward content. Outside of the content itself, we identified adjacent opportunities to keep users excited and engaged in VR. We uncovered previously unknown nuances in the Japanese market that presented immediate opportunities to update SEO, build retailer relationships, and adjust the UX experience to account for less physical space. We condensed them in an infographic highlighting six Jobs to Be Done, which now hangs on the wall at the team’s office today.


Imagining New possibilities with Ungendered products


Creating a Brand Proposition for the Affluent Traveller